$69.00 USD

Every month

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Refocus Your Business Subscription Special Offer

Start this monthly subscription anytime, and cancel anytime you feel like this is not adding value to you or your business!

What you'll get:

  •  Weekly Group Coaching
  •  Access to the 12-Week Online Course
  •  Once off 4 x 1-2-1 Coaching sessions (Bonus valued at $388)

30-day notice and we will cancel your subscription.

What you'll get on the Fast Track Hour - Weekly Group Coaching Sessions:

Weekly group Coaching - online video sessions in a group format.

One hour every week - Wednesday 9-10 am SAST.

Ask, discuss and receive instant and relevant feedback and guidance on questions you have about the best way to grow your business.

Interact with the Refocus coach and other business owners live on a video call in a group setting for one hour each week.

Each week - Ask questions and receive feedback & solutions for specific areas in your business.

All sessions will be recorded so you can catch up when you miss a session.

What you will learn in the next 12 weeks Online Course:

  •  Week 1–Introduction, Setting up for success.
  •  Week 2–The Refocus High-Performance Framework.
  •  Week 3–Introduction to Marketing & Marketing principles.
  •  Week 4–Marketing - SWAT Analysis, Target Market & USP.
  •  Week 5–How I use Marketing on the different platforms.
  •  Week 6–The Refocus Sales Process.
  •  Week 7–The High-Performance Sales Framework.
  •  Week 8-The 3 Vitals to Improve Turnover.
  •  Week 9-All about Margins.
  •  Week 10-Systems to improve your Business.
  •  Week 11-Mastering the process to become Highly Productive and Focused.
  •  Week 12-The most important Business Vital.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee- If the adventure isn't a good fit for you after 14 days, the entire fee paid will be returned to you.

Once off 4 x 1-2-1 Coaching sessions (Bonus valued at $388)

Have personal 1-2-1 Refocus coaching once a month

Discuss business-related concerns with your Refocus Coach

Discover better strategies for dealing with your own daily success habits, work, staff & clients