Refocus Your Business® Special Offer To The First 100 People!

Whether you're a seasoned business pro looking to fine-tune your strategy or an up-and-coming entrepreneur seeking guidance, this platform offers something for everyone.


Welcome to Your Transformational Journey

Unleash Your Business Potential with Personalised Coaching

If you've stumbled upon this page after a webinar or seeing an intriguing ad about coaching, one-on-one coaching sessions, and enriching video courses, you're exactly where you're meant to be.

Tailored for Your Unique Journey

  • Are you a successful business owner curious about coaching?
  • Feeling bogged down in your business and in need of a sounding board?
  • Starting a venture and eager to kick things off on the right foot?

If any of these resonate with you, you're in for an exciting ride. But wait, there's more!

A Phenomenal Offer You Can't Resist

Let's dive into the details of this incredible offer. You can access all these resources on a Monthly subscription of ONLY R1450 using the PayFast payment platform.

Unpacking the First 30 Days

Here's a sneak peek into what awaits you:

1. A 12-week Refocus Your Business® Transformation Video Course

Valued at R19 500, this comprehensive video course encapsulates the essence of my journey in business. It's a blueprint of everything I've learned from starting, growing, and ultimately selling my first business at the age of 29.

2. Engaging Group Coaching Sessions

Every Wednesday afternoon, between 4 pm and 5 pm SAST, I conduct live group sessions. This dynamic forum is designed for collaborative learning. Expect guest speakers, Q&A sessions, and expert advice tailored to address your specific challenges.

3. Personalied One-on-One Coaching

As a BONUS VALUED at R7 500, you'll receive four 30-minute sessions spread over four months. These sessions are dedicated to tackling your most pressing business challenges. It's an opportunity to dive deep into your unique situation and explore tailored solutions and suggestions from other business owners.

4. Community Platform Access(Refocus Adventure Tribe - Fast Track Hour)

This platform is your direct line to me. Ask questions, share ideas, and benefit from daily or weekly insights. Participate in challenges designed to cultivate positive habits. Engage with fellow members, fostering a supportive environment for your business journey.

Unleash Your Potential for ONLY R1450 per Month

You gain access to a wealth of resources that could potentially revolutionise your business. This is an investment in your growth and future success.

Your Journey, Your Terms

The power is in your hands. You control when and how you utilise your resources. Book your one-on-one coaching sessions as needed, with a limit of one per month for four months.

A Commitment to Your Growth

I'm doing this for a reason, and I want to be completely transparent with you:

  1. Experience Real Coaching: I want you to get a taste of what true coaching feels like and experience the full potential of this platform.

  2. A Win-Win Scenario: It's not just about helping you; it's about building a community. Your positive experience could lead to more clients benefiting from personalised coaching.

  3. Test the Waters: This month-to-month subscription is perfect for all stages of business. Whether you're just starting out or need a fresh perspective, this offer is tailored for you.

  4. You're Not Alone: Running a business can be isolating. This platform is designed to provide you with an accountability partner and a community to lean on.

Join the Journey

With all this in mind, joining the month-to-month subscription is a no-brainer. If, for any reason, you feel it's not the right fit, just drop me an email, and I'll cancel it without a fuss.

Invest in Your Success

The month-to-month subscription opens the door to a world of possibilities. You'll have access to all the resources I've mentioned, and if it resonates with you, the journey doesn't have to end.

Your Success is My Mission

I'm driven by a desire to see you succeed. Join this transformative platform, and let's embark on this journey together. Your success story is waiting to be written.

Thank you, and here's to helping you build your own economy! See below for more details about the Refocus Your Business® video course.

"Amazing experience. Learned so many practical things to improve my business immediately. Thank you Bertus"


Nadia Pretorius
Nursery School owner

The Incubator Adventure is perfect for you!

In 12 weeks you will learn how to start a business correctly and how to take it from zero to R5 million in a very short space of time.


Each week is crammed with videos, information, questions and homework that will make you think. That will make you completely reassess how you’ve been doing business in the past! It will help you completely refocus on the one thing that truly matters
your dreams and goals!


 By the end of the course, your life and your business will have a completely new focus. You will also have a High-Performance mindset that will drive everything you do from now on!


Not only will your business turn around and become the success you always wanted but you will also get access to an incredible bonus!


A bonus worth R7 500 when you sign up for the 12-week Intensive Online Video Course.

4 x 30 min 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions.



The Benefits of the Refocus Your Business® Video Course

Gaining an accountability partner
Becoming more productive in your business
Becoming more profitable in your business, faster


Enjoy Online Access

Full access to all video recordings of the live group discussions.
Full access to all the video training resources including:

Stop Selling & Start Marketing Video training
Refocus Your Business online video training


Join the Refocus Adventure Tribe

Enjoy lifetime access to the Online Refocus Adventure Tribe
Enjoy access to ideas and business templates from other professionals
Enjoy increased business opportunities
Share business ideas with the Tribe

Refocus Your Business® online video training

You will come away from this course with a whole new mindset about business and how to achieve your goals and dreams!
Here’s a taste of what you will discover in the 12 weeks

Week 1 – Setting Yourself Up For Success

  •  Do you know what your dreams and goals are?
  •  Do you know what fuels your passion?
  •  Are you chasing your dreams and goals? How?
  •  Is your business part of that pursuit? If not, do you know how to make your business a part of your dreams and goals?
  •  How much time do you spend working on your business every day?

Week 2 – The Refocus High-Performance Framework

  •  While some may be telling you that you can’t, what are you telling yourself?

Week 3 – Introduction to Marketing & Marketing Principles

  •  Do you know why marketing is important?
  •  Do you know what it is and how to do it best for your company in your industry?
  •  Do you just follow the herd, or do you think out of the box?

Week 4 – SWAT Analysis, Target Market, & Your USP

  •  Do you know what a SWOT Analysis is?
  •  Are you sure you know exactly who your target market is?
  •  What is a USP and what is yours?
  • Are you capitalising on these items? Do you know how to make them all work for the benefit of your company and of course, yourself?

Week 5 – How I Use Marketing Principles On Different Platforms

  •  What is your vision for your company? Do you have one?
  •  Where do you see it in 10 years time?
  •  Do you have a Vision and Mission statement?
  •  Do your staff know your dreams and goals for the company?
  •  What platforms are you using to ensure your company will become the one you imagine?

Week 6 – The Refocus Sales Process

  •  What is your sales process like?
  •  Could it be improved?

Week 7 – The High-Performance Sales Framework

  •  What frustrations are you facing?
  •  What frustrations are your potential clients facing?

Week 8 – The 3 Vitals To Improve Your Turnover

  •  Do you know how many times a customer or client makes a purchase from your company?
  •  Do you know what the average number of times your clients buy from you is, and how much they spend?

Week 9 – All About Margins

  •  Do you know what your fixed and variable expenses are?
  •  Do you know what your margins are?
  •  And what about your vital accounts?
  •  Do you have these figures and the knowledge on how to make them all work for the benefit of your company and of course, yourself?

Week 10 – Systems To Improve Your Business

  •  Are your business systems as good as they can be? Are you sure?
  •  Do you assess and update them regularly?

Week 11 – Mastering The Process To Become Highly Productive and Focused

  •  Do you struggle with procrastination?
  •  Find it hard to put your bum on the seat and get to work?
  •  Do you need some practical, proven methods to become highly productive and focused?

Week 12 – The Most Important Business Vital

  •  What is the most important business vital for the success of your business?
  • What are you doing to continually develop your mind, body, skills, attitudes, and experiences? 


Sign up today for the Special Offer of this life-changing, and
business-changing intensive 12-week online adventure!


Take advantage of the amazing bonus, available only for the next 100 people!


BONUS  - valued at R7 500
4 x 30-min Coaching Sessions with me 1-2-1, your Refocus Coach

There is nothing more valuable in any area of life, but especially in business, than 1-2-1 coaching with an expert. In 4 x 30-minute Coaching Sessions, Refocus Coach Bertus de Wet will answer all your questions, and help you see how even the smallest change in your mindset can change your future for the better! 

"Ready to elevate your business? After your first 30 days, continue with us on a flexible month-to-month subscription for only R1450 a month. Remember, you're in control – cancel anytime with just a 30-day notice. Invest in your success today!"  




The Refocus Your Business® Special Offer!

Do you want proven results at an affordable rate? 



The Refocus Your Business® Incubator Special Offer!

R1 450

Month to month subscription

  • Refocus Your Business online video training
  • Enjoy Online Access to the Refocus Adventure Tribe
  • Join the Life changing challenges to help you succeed
  • Weekly Live Group Coaching sessions (Fast Track Hour)
  • 4 x 30-min Incubator Coaching session (Bonus valued at R7 500)
  •  a Copy of my book "The High Performance mindset" (Bonus valued at R400)


If the adventure isn't a good fit for you after 14 days, the entire fee paid will be returned to you.



If you haven't achieved a 200% return on investment in 12 months on the adventure, the entire fee paid will be returned to you.


*Terms & Conditions Apply.